Al Bahis Ul Hadesi الباحث الحديثي mein Hadees keey dhondein.

Intoxicants and (Maesir) games of chance and divining (azlam) by arrows are only an uncleanness, the Shaitan’s work; shun it therefore that you may be successful.” (Surah al-Ma’ida ).Games of chances that are mentioned in this Qur’anic verse include all types of gambling.

Al-Bahis Journal of Islamic Sciences Research Y Catagory

One who touches it in order to play it, it is, as if he has contaminated his hands by touching pork.”The same tradition is recorded in the book Man La Yahzarul Faqih with the addition inter alia that:“To teach chess to others is also a kind of destructive sin.”It is related from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (‘a):“Allah pardons all the sinners in the month of Ramadhan except Three kinds of people; those who drink wine, those who gamble and those who harbour enmity and avarice towards a Muslim.”Another proof is the following verse of Qur’an, which shows that gambling, is a Greater Sin:“O you who believe!

Al-Bahis Research journals can have different types of articles, such as original research articles, review articles . Original research articles present new findings, methodologies, or theories, while review articles consolidate existing research on a specific topic. Case studies provide an in-depth analysis of a particular situation or phenomenon, and opinion pieces offer unique perspectives or insights.

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